torsdag 24 december 2009

Fuck Everybody

Fuck black people who cries "racist" anytime someone disagrees with them or things don't go their way...sometimes you don't get the job because you just suck!

Fuck the education systems that stiffle the creativity of the truly gifted....just because your dreams didn't come true...doesn't mean you have to destroy the dreams of others!

Fuck the celebrities and their idiotic political're here to entertain...not to lecture. !

Fuck the record executives that have destroyed every genre of music by commercializing the HELL out of is an art..not a commadady!

Fuck the television executives for churning out repetative bullshit season after season...There are other concepts besides reality!

Fuck the fasion police that tell you what to wear, and what not to wear. Who the fuck made you an authority on ANYTHING?!

Fuck the beauty magazines with their skinny bitch cover models, who look like chemo patients, counting your bones in the mirror is not sexy, and most of us like to eat!

Fuck organized religion that manipulates the masses into war, only a fool would claim to know what any "Gods" will is!

Fuck these angsty punk assholes who think they're the shit. If you were not alive from the years 1977 to the year 1992, you have no concept of what the subculture is all about!

Fuck the dumb rappers who shoot eachother up in the streets for no reason. Namecalling is not a good excuse to shoot people in the head. And frankly the whole "gangsta" thing is getting really old and mainstream!

Fuck the tabloids that run after celebrety couples and fuck the morons who actually read these stories. Who gives a shit if two celebreties are dating?! If you're a fucking moron!

Fuck the're all a big fat joke, no one cares about your nonsense and no one wants to hear how you're "sexually objectified". How about protesting against female actresses that suck cock for cash in films or does pornography fall under "girl power" these days? Get your priorities straight you assholes!!

I think that's enough for now. You're all probably zoning out with your short attention spans anyway.

More music from the heart.

Fuck everybody.

2 kommentarer:

Pyong sa...

Du är en riktig solstråle... ;P

Anonym sa...

skriv mer. i like it.